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Long Text Block

1 min read

Long Text Block is very useful to ask your users questions that need long text input answers.

1- To add a long text question, go to your form and click the plus icon:

2- Now, you are able to add a label to your question where it says “Type question here”, you can also add a description if you would like to add:

3- You can adjust the Short Text settings after clicking on its settings icon:

4- After clicking on the settings icon, a side modal should appear to control the short text settings:

Block Settings

  • Required: Using this option, you can mark this question as required.
  • Image: Using this option, you can upload an image to your welcome screen block.
  • Layout: Using this option, you can control the layout for your welcome screen to control the way your image is presented. You can control the image maximum width as well.
  • Custom HTML: Using this option, you can add any custom html tags you need to add at your welcome screen.
  • Theme: You can keep the same general theme settings or override it by selecting a different theme for this block. Please refer to this tutorial.
  • Max characters: Using this option, you can set maximum characters for this question.

Controlling Placeholder and Button Text

You can control the placeholder and button text from the messages settings in the builder: